MTP development and integration

MTP - Increase the flexibility of production plants thanks to plug-and-produce approach

MTP by Namur - The Modular Type Package is a connectivity framework for integration and connectivity between any modules and orchestration system, ensuring standardized interoperability and efficient equipment interaction. Picture it as assembling Lego blocks to create precisely what you desire. You have the power to rearrange and configure with ease, without the hassle of reengineering processes or installing drivers. The necessary data and information are ever at your fingertips, unleashing a truly dynamic and plug-n-produce production.



Flexibility, modularity and interchangeability.

Minimize risk and enhance production initiation time by seamlessly integrating new equipment into processes with plug-and-play capabilities.

Three steps: Process Equipment Assembly engineering - compilation and loading of the PLC-code; automatic Module Type Package Generation; PEA Integration into the Process Orchestration Layer of the plant operator
  1. Reduce engineering and integration time

    Effortlessly connect multiple systems without the need for re-engineering, saving both time and costs in installation and maintenance.

  2. Enhance flexibility and get rapid process changeover

    Enable swift and seamless equipment switching between different processes. MTP lets you reduce downtime and enhance productivity in dynamic production environments.

  3. Quick

    Enhance plant availability by swiftly replacing faulty modules with suitable replacements.

  4. Shorten

    Enhance operational and production resiliency that allows businesses to meet demand for multiple products production on demand. Stay ahead in dynamic markets without the constraints of complex engineering efforts.

  5. Connect equipment from multiple vendors

    Harness vendor agnostic approach and integrate different equipment across the process.



Holistic, End-2-End
MTP solutions

A person near a window, prototyping an electronic device

Module vendors For module vendors

  • Software architecture modeling for MTP
  • Hardware architecture modeling for MTP
  • Proprietary MTP Library for Codesys SoftPLC runtime
  • Retrofitting software "legacy systems" to be MTP compliant
  • Retrofitting hardware "legacy systems" to be MTP compliant
  • Service-based process control with MTP Services implementation
  • MTP devices (PEA) prototyping
  • MTP implementation business & tech advisory

System vendors For system vendors

  • POL architecture modeling for MTP
  • Retrofitting software "legacy systems" to be MTP compliant
  • Retrofitting hardware "legacy systems" to be MTP compliant
  • MTP deployment and integration support
  • MTP implementation business & tech advisory

Plant and laboratory owners For plant and laboratory owners

  • Integrating POL with PEA
  • Customized Training Programs
  • Development of Modular Smart Modules (MTP ready)
  • MTP deployment and integration support
  • Laboratories and plants retrofitting harnessing modular approach
  • MTP implementation business & tech advisory
A group of five people testing prototyped equipment



We are your gateway to achieving your goals with the support of bespoke IT and OT architects and engineers.

Gain access to a dedicated team of experts who understand the intricacies of your industry and can tailor MTP solutions to fit your unique needs. Our team possesses a wealth of biotech, pharma and manufacturing knowledge, and we are deeply engaged in the cutting-edge development of MTP solutions, working closely with organizations like Nimble.

  • A profound understanding of overall manufacturing, biotech and biopharma market trends and dynamics

  • Broad coverage of technology solutions such as AI, ML, IoT, Robotics Process Automation (RPA), Cloud, Big Data and more

  • Strong facilitation and consultation skills

  • Very high-level communication skills covering technical, managerial and executive levels

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